
User posts trepaning
06 May 2015 19:44
I eagerly await the result of your discussions.
06 May 2015 19:38
the potential bugs in previously exported JSON files is why I request a way to easily batch re-export a folder of Blend files to create new versions of JSON files. This is a prime example of what I want to avoid. Any large project will have to be locked into a specific release if future releases will knock out major functionality.

Also, if you rotate the store around, the walls do not block visibility. What type of object needs to be in front of an annotation to actually block its visibility? And "you can write a callback " is assuming I can actually write a callback, which also assumes I know what a callback is. I will happily wait for the addon addition.

I will assume draw order is simply load order to better control annotation overlaps…?
05 May 2015 20:17
I guess I should have said, "It would be great to have a layman's easy-way to do a batch re-export via the B4W interface".
05 May 2015 19:48
I also seem to have lost all the hotlinks.
05 May 2015 19:44
I am unable to recreate the freeze now as well, so that is good.

Now, the issue is the "detect visibility" keeps the same annotation always over top of the other, regardless of the angle being looked at
04 May 2015 22:44
It would be great if a folder of Blend files could be batch processed and exported with B4W. This would make updating JSON files much easier to match new B4W builds. This would require previous settings to be auto-updated to current version settings, so not sure if it is possible. Having to remake a bunch of files one at a time to match future builds in a hindrance to current production pipelines.
01 May 2015 01:04
The annotations are still causing an error with JSON loads. This time, the main JSON will load, but then everything hangs, the scene cannot be rotated and no products load.
29 April 2015 19:20
wow, I look forward to trying this out soon.
17 April 2015 22:52
Thanks for the info.

I changed to MOUSEUP, a much smarter way for this version.

Saw some non-uniform in the building, I was checking the products.

Scary Eye Balloons are in the code like all the rest. It is the product on the OUTDOOR section at the very top.
17 April 2015 20:02